Sunday, December 9, 2012

On the eighth and ninth days of Christmas...

Caitlyn, day 8 - Final Nutcracker performances :(. It just so happened that Keegan and Kelsey had basketball games at the same time, not close by.  After much internal drama and trauma (for me -the girls were ok with however things would work-) I went to the ball games.  Then Caitlyn performed her understudy part in addition to her regular part! Yea, but boo! Happy for her, but I have never, never not seen a part she has done.  She reassured me it was not a big deal, or a big part.  But my mommy heart was not convinced. Glad one of us handled it well.
On a side note, Kelsey had a great game :D, and Keegan's game was cancelled :(.

Keegan and Kelsey, day 8 - Ice igloos! We have igloo making kits that come with specially shaped ice trays which make pieces that an be assembled into igloos.  Unfortunately, I forgot to use sugar water in the trays, so the igloos were pretty melty and difficult to handle. Kelsey decided to eat hers, since she likes ice, anyway.  Round two is in the freezer as I type :).

Day 9, everyone - Our first ever time to The Living Christmas Tree.  Wow! Fantastic!  I was amazed at what a tremendous production this was. It was great!
16 days and counting!

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