Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Gym Class

Group shot - Kelsey is next to the teacher, one of my best friends, and surrounded by her best friends. (I love the sweet friends Kelsey and Keegan have now!)
All through this school year, Keegan and Kelsey have been attending gym class twice a week. Some days Brooklin comes along, too. While she stays to the side with me most of the time, she joins Keegan or Kelsey when the group does Bible verses and floor exercises. Here, Keegan and Brooklin doing sit-ups :).

To start class, they do a variety of exercises across the floor including frog jumps, running, side shuffles, and, as Kelsey demonstrates below, bear crawls.
After the across-the-floor exercises, they sit in a circle (enter Brooklin) and work on a memory verse. They also do some sit-ups, jumping jacks, push-ups, and other floor exercises.
Finally, they play games, run races, or jump rope. A surprising number of the kids have learned how to jump double dutch, which I consider pretty impressive. I have "helped" turn the ropes once or twice and found it plenty challenging from the outside!
  A huge shout out and thanks to Rachel for providing all these kiddos with fun and exercise all year long!
Silly shot (love those.)

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